О Нас

Глобальная сеть людей и организаций под руководством местного сообщества, работающих вместе над созданием новой продовольственной системы.

Старт для разработчика

Thanks so much for registering your interest to become a contributor to the Open Food Network global team. I’m pleased to welcome you to our community! When we recruit, we always do so from our contributor pool. If you are not a contributor already then now is a great time to get involved! The first step is to head over to our Github, create your own fork and get your development environment set up. You can find loads of help on our technical wiki including instructions for setting up on DebianUbuntu and OSX and setting up a Docker environment. The next step is to head to our Welcome New Developers project. Here you’ll find a curated set of issues that should help you find a suitable first task to work on for your skills. You can also try the #goodfirstissue tag on Github to find issues suitable for newcomers. If you get stuck at any point you can post on the #dev channel of our Slack community. We’re a really friendly lot and we’ll help you out whenever we can. If you’d like to know more about our community then take a look at our Discourse community forum, our global website and our Contributors Handbook. On Slack, you can always ask general questions in #random or #general If there is a better channel for your question someone will let you know. We’re looking forward to getting to know you! Warm wishes,
 The OFN Global Team.


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